Read it easy v0.8.0

We've released v0.8.0🎉 Let's check out download page.

Frameless Window

To focus on the source code, Read it easy removes the title bar and is now a frameless window.

frameless window

Tree View

Tree View is added. It makes it easy to find a file as an entry point when reading the source code. Tree View is on the left side.

Tree View

You can add a new folder to Tree View by clicking the "+" button at the top of the sidebar or the "Add Folder..." submenu on the File menu. If you want to remove the added folder in Tree View, right-click on it and click "Remove Folder" on the context menu.

Remove Folder

You can open a file on a new pane when clicking a file in Tree View. The new pane will appear to the right of other panes or below. Relocate it by dragging it before reading the source code in the file.

The buttons on top of the sidebar or on the menu bar toggle the sidebar, including Tree View. If a cursor hovers on the right edge of the sidebar, a blue vertical bar appears. You can adjust the width of the sidebar by dragging the blue bar. It is also helpful to show the source code in the right place.

Side bar toggle buttons

Apple Silicon support

The build for Apple Silicon is now available from v0.8.0. Please download it from the download page.